Internal Revenue Service United States Department of the Treasury
Module 8: Claiming Child Tax Credit & Credit for Other Dependents


Part 1

Which of the following children counts as a qualifying child for the child tax credit? Click on either Yes or No. To assess your answers, click the Check My Answers button at the bottom of the page.

  1. Tony is a 16 year old United States citizen. He lives with his parents and is supported by them.

    Tony is a qualifying child for the child tax credit.
  • A.
  • B.
  1. Laura's son Jack turns 17 on December 30. He is a citizen of the United States. He lives with Laura, who provides all his support.

    Jack is a qualifying child for the child tax credit.
  • A.
  • B.
  1. Peggy is an eligible foster child. She is a United States citizen. She lived with her current foster parents for 10 months of this tax year and they supported her.

    Peggy is a qualifying child for the child tax credit.
  • A.
  • B.
Part 2

Do the following taxpayers qualify for the child tax credit or additional child tax credit? Click on either Yes or No. To assess your answers, click the Check My Answers button at the bottom of the page.

  1. Ken is a Widower with a modified adjusted gross income of $30,000, a tax liability of $490, and two children who qualify for the child tax credit.

    Is Ken eligible for the child tax credit?
  • A.
  • B.
  1. Is Ken eligible for the additional child tax credit?
  • A.
  • B.
  1. Neil is single. He has a modified adjusted gross income of $70,000 and a tax liability of $5,000. He has three children who qualify for the child tax credit.

    Is Neil eligible for the child tax credit?
  • A.
  • B.
  1. Is Neil eligible for the additional child tax credit?
  • A.
  • B.
Part 3

Answer the following questions by clicking on the correct answers or by typing the correct answers in the fields. To assess your answers, click the Check My Answers button at the bottom of the page.

  1. If they meet the requirements, taxpayers may be able to claim both the child tax credit and the additional child tax credit.
  • A.
  • B.
  1. A taxpayer tax liability can be reduced to $0 and still receive a refund with which tax credit?
  • A.
  • B.


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