Internal Revenue Service United States Department of the Treasury
Module 8: Claiming Child Tax Credit & Credit for Other Dependents

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Tax Tip

Quick Check

"Answer the following true-false questions about the limits on the amount of credit a taxpayer can receive for the child tax credit by clicking on the correct answer. To assess your answers, click the Check My Answers button at the bottom of the page."~ Tina the Tax Tutor

  1. Bill's son, Jeff, turned 19 in September of this year. He is a citizen of the United States. Jeff lives with Bill and is supported by him. Jeff is a qualifying child for the child tax credit.
  • A.
  • B.
  1. Laura's foster son Jack is 12. He is a citizen of the United States, he lives with Laura, and she provides financial support for him. Jack is a qualifying child for the child tax credit.
  • A.
  • B.


Tax Tutorial