Internal Revenue Service United States Department of the Treasury
Module 11: Earned Income Credit

Page 8 of 13

Tax Tip

Quick Check

"Answer the following questions about the earned income credit by clicking on the correct answers. To assess your answers, click the Check My Answers button at the bottom of the page."~ Tina the Tax Tutor

  1. Alicia and her youngest sister live alone together, and Alicia cares for her youngest sister as her own child. Assuming that the other rules are met, can Alicia's sister be considered a qualifying child?
  • A.
  • B.
  1. After his father died in March, Joseph (age 18) moved in with his cousin. His cousin cares for Joseph as his own child. Assuming that the other rules are met, can Joseph be considered a qualifying child?
  • A.
  • B.
  1. William turned 19 on December 4 and is not a student or disabled. Assuming that the other rules are met, can William be considered a qualifying child?
  • A.
  • B.
  1. The state placed Simone with the taxpayer in October. The taxpayer cares for Simone as the taxpayer cares for her own children. Can the taxpayer claim Simone as a qualifying child?
  • A.
  • B.
  1. LeeAnn's daughter and grandson live with her. The daughter is 25 years old. The grandson is 5 years old. LeeAnn earns $15,000 from her job. Her daughter earns $7,000 from her job. Because he meets the relationship, age, residency and joint return tests, the child is a qualifying child of both LeeAnn and her daughter. Who can claim the child as a qualifying child if there is a disagreement, LeeAnn or LeeAnn's daughter?
  • A.
  • B.


Tax Tutorial