Internal Revenue Service United States Department of the Treasury

Theme 5: Impact of TaxesLesson 2: The Politics of Taxation


Part 1

Match the clues below to their correct answers by choosing from the drop-down menu. Continue to Part 2 or, to assess your answers, click the Check My Answers button at the bottom of the page.

  • Correct.
  • Correct.
  • Correct.
  • Correct.
  • Correct.
Part 2

Identify the group most likely to make each of the statements below by clicking on the letter of the correct response. Continue to Part 3 or, to assess your answers, click the Check My Answers button at the bottom of the page.

  1. "The taxes on my house are so high that I can't afford to send my kids to college."
  • A. Correct.
  • B.
  • C.
  1. "The data shows that the current local tax laws negatively impact young homeowners."
  • A.
  • B. Correct.
  • C.
  1. "We'll adjust tax laws on homes so that all young couples can afford a new home."
  • A.
  • B.
  • C. Correct.
  1. "It is not fair that people who have children get more tax breaks than those of us who don't have children."
  • A. Correct.
  • B.
  • C.
  1. "If renters in our city would agree to pay taxes that support the school system, would you consider changing the current tax law?"
  • A.
  • B. Correct.
  • C.
Part 3

Indicate whether each of the following statements is True or False by clicking on the correct answer. To assess your answers, click the Check My Answers button at the bottom of the page.

  1. Tax credits, exemptions, and deductions help make taxation fairer.
  • A. Correct.
  • B.
  1. Horizontal equity rarely occurs because tax laws do not permit it.
  • A.
  • B. Correct.
  1. A key to being a good lobbyist is understanding the issues.
  • A. Correct.
  • B.
  1. Lobbyists serve the community at large.
  • A.
  • B. Correct.
  1. Members of Congress listen to lobbyists.
  • A. Correct.
  • B.


Correct 15
Incorrect 0
Not Answered 0
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