Tina will help you navigate and understand the information in this lesson
"Ready to "tax" your brain? Below are some scrambled key terms from this lesson. Unscramble each key term, and type your answer in the space provided. To assess your answers, click the Check My Answers button at the bottom of the page." ~ Tina the Tax Tutor
1) A new or developing domestic industry whose costs of production are higher than those of established firms in the same industry in other countries (2 words) (inusntitrfandy)
2) The income the nation collects from taxes (reuvene)
3) A state's refusal to recognize or obey a federal law (nficatulliion)
4) A tax on products imported from foreign countries (tifarf)
5) A tax on the sale or use of specific products or transactions (2 words) (esetxciax)
6) A tax levied on imported goods with the purpose of reducing domestic consumption of foreign-produced goods (2 words) (prfectiottarivef)
7) A tax on imported goods levied primarily to generate revenue for the federal government (2 words) (revrifetfenua)
8) Factors needed to produce goods and services (rurceesos)