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Personal Exemptions
Time Requirement: 10 minutes
Identifying and entering the correct number of exemptions is a critical component of completing the taxpayers' return.
- Distinguish between personal and dependency exemptions
- Determine if a taxpayer can be claimed as a dependent on another taxpayer's return
Teaching the Lesson
Refer to the Lesson Plan for helpful instructor notes, visual aids, TaxSlayer® demos, and Internet links. Use the following questions to prompt students to share what they know about determining if a taxpayer can be claimed as a dependent on another taxpayer's return.
Refer students who may want to work independently to Publication 4491, Personal Exemptions.
Key References
This lesson refers to the following publications and forms:
- Form 13614-C
- Pub 4012, Dependents tab
- Pub 17, Chapter 3, Personal Exemptions
All references to materials can be found by clicking the Job Aids and Media button. There are also links to helpful tools that can be found on the public portal.
TaxSlayer® Demos and Tutorials
It is recommended to go to the Practice Lab and access the latest TaxSlayer tutorial for this lesson. The TaxSlayer tutorials can be found by going to the Practice Lab and clicking the link for 2012 TaxSlayer IRS training.
Publication 4012, Dependents tab, includes how to enter personal exemptions in TaxSlayer.