Schedules K-1 and Rental Income Workout
Rental Income and Expenses
Skills Warm Up: Rental Expenses
Question 2 of 3
All of the following are examples of deductible rental expenses
Carpet cleaning fees
Charges for phone calls made to the property manager
Gas and electric bills paid for the tenant
Repairs made to the homeowner's personal residence
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Workout Resources
Publication 4491 Schedules K-1 and Rental Income
Intake/Interview & Quality Review Sheet
Schedule K-1 and Rental Income Job Aids from Publication 4012
Rental Income and Expenses
Case Study 1: Rental Income
Skills Warm Up: Rental Income
Case Study 2: Rental Expenses
Skills Warm Up: Rental Expenses
Skills Warm Up: Rental Income and Expenses
Skills Warm Up: Depreciation
Special Allocations
Case Study 1: Rental vs. Personal Use
Skills Warm Up: Special Allocations
Case Study 2: Personal Use of Rental Property
Case Study 3: Personal Use of Rental Property
Case Study 4: Personal Use of Rental Property
Skills Warm Up: Personal Use of Rental Property
Rental Loss
Case Study 1: Passive Income vs. Active Participation
Skills Warm Up: Rental Loss
Case Study 2: Reporting Rental Loss
Out of Scope
Out of Scope Situations for VITA/TCE
Skills Workout
Certification Warm Up: Question 1 of 6
Certification Warm Up: Drill and Practice
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Publication 527
Publication 946