Final Steps (continued)
Give the taxpayers a brief explanation of how the process works:
- The Site Coordinator or designee will transmit all the e-file returns.
- The Site Coordinator or designee receives an acknowledgment for each successful e-file, or a reject notice if there was a problem with the electronic file. The most common problem is a name or Social Security number that does not match IRS records.
- If the e-file is rejected, the Site Coordinator or designee needs to contact the taxpayers to resolve the problem.
- If the return is not being e-filed, the taxpayers must mail the signed copy of the tax return, along with copy B of all Forms W-2 and any Forms 1099 with withholding. Taxpayers who are filing a state return may need another copy of the return and Form(s) W-2. Make sure the taxpayer knows the correct address for mailing the return(s). The correct address for every state may be found in the Publication 17. Advise the taxpayer that the return must be postmarked by the April filing due date.