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The Whys of Taxes

The Whys of Taxes examines the theory and history of taxes. The Whys of Taxes includes six tax-related themes, divided into a total of 25 lessons. The Whys of Taxes are packed with more than 75 online activities, these lessons explore tax concepts through matching, word scrambles, and memory concentration games, along with more traditional multiple-choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank exercises. Graded assessments at the end of each lesson give you the chance to evaluate your tax knowledge!
The Whys of Taxes modules
Theme 1: Your Role as a Taxpayer
Theme 2: Taxes in U.S. History
Theme 3: Fairness in Taxes
Theme 4: What is Taxed and Why
Theme 5: Impact of Taxes
Theme 6: Understanding the IRS

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