Many of the materials that are part of the Understanding Taxes program can be downloaded as Adobe Acrobat™ PDFs. For example, you can download teacher lesson plans, fact/info sheets, worksheets, and assessments. In addition, you can download a PowerPoint™ presentation that introduces each theme in the Whys of Taxes.
Click on the links below to view the materials for each lesson or module. Click on the icons to download the materials to your computer. The Why lessons also include the option of downloading a complete lesson pack, which is a compressed file containing all of the lesson's downloadable components.
Module 1: Payroll Taxes and Federal Income Tax Withholding
Module 2: Wage and Tip Income
Module 3: Interest Income
Module 4: Dependents
Module 5: Filing Status
Module 6: Exemptions
Module 7: Standard Deduction
Module 8: Claiming Child Tax Credit and Additional Child Tax Credit
Module 9: Tax Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses
Module 10: Education Credits
Module 11: Earned Income Credit
Module 12: Refund, Amount Due, and Recordkeeping
Module 13: Electronic Tax Return Preparation and Transmission
Module 14: Self-Employment Income and the Self-Employment Tax
Theme 1: Your Role as a Taxpayer
Lesson 1: Why Pay Taxes
Lesson 2: How Taxes Evolve
Lesson 3: The Taxpayer's Responsibilities
Lesson 4: The Taxpayer's Rights
Theme 2: Taxes in U.S. History
Lesson 1: Evolution of Taxation in the Constitution
Lesson 2: Early Tax Issues
Lesson 3: Income Tax Issues
Lesson 4: The Social Security Act of 1935
Lesson 5: The Wealth Tax of 1935 and the Victory Tax of 1942
Lesson 6: Tax Reform in the 1960's and 1980's
Theme 3: Fairness in Taxes
Lesson 1: How to Measure Fairness
Lesson 2: Regressive Taxes
Lesson 3: Progressive Taxes
Lesson 4: Proportional Taxes
Lesson 5: How Taxes Affect Us
Theme 4: What Is Taxed and Why
Lesson 1: Federal/State/Local Taxes
Lesson 2: Taxes in a Market Economy
Lesson 3: Income Tax Facts
Lesson 4: Direct and Indirect Taxes
Theme 5: Impact of Taxes
Lesson 1: How Taxes Influence Behavior
Lesson 2: The Politics of Taxation
Theme 6: Understanding the IRS
Lesson 1: The IRS Yesterday and Today
Lesson 2: Your First Job
Lesson 3: Methods of Filing
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