Internal Revenue Service United States Department of the Treasury
Level Basic Advanced Military International

Dependents Workout

Workout Resources

Intake/Interview & Quality Review Sheet

Taxpayers can claim either a qualifying child or a qualifying relative as a dependent on their return. Review the taxpayer's completed Form 13614-C, Intake/Interview & Quality Review Sheet, particularly Part II, Marital Status and Household Information.

See the Volunteer Resource Guide, Dependents tab for interview tips that can provide helpful probing questions to use when interviewing the taxpayer. Click here to view Table 1, All Dependents, and Table 2, Qualifying Relative Dependents, from the Volunteer Resource Guide, Dependents tab.

Be sure to add any information you learn to the Marital Status and Household Information section of the intake and interview sheet.

Click here to review Form 13614-C, the Intake/Interview & Quality Review Sheet.

Image of dependent's section of Form 13614-C.
Table 1: All Dependents and Table 2: Qualifying Relative Dependents

Table 1: All Dependents and Table 2: Qualifying Relative Dependents