Education Credits Workout
Choosing Between the Credits
Case Study 1: Choosing Between the Credits (continued)
Based on this information, which education credit should Molly claim on her tax return?
American opportunity credit
Lifetime learning credit
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Publication 4491 Education Credits
Intake/Interview & Quality Review Sheet
Education Credits Job Aids from Publication 4012
Skills Warm Up: Workout Resources
Case Study 1: Dependents
Skills Warm Up: Dependents
Qualifying Expenses
Case Study 1: Tuition and Related Expenses
Case Study 2: Nonqualifying Expenses
Skills Warm Up: Qualifying Expenses
Case Study 3: Excluded Amounts
Case Study 4: Kiddie Tax
Skills Warm Up: Excluded Amounts
Case Study 5: Prepaid Expenses
Skills Warm Up: Prepaid Expenses
Skills Warm Up: Qualifying Expenses
American Opportunity Tax Credit
Case Study 1: American Opportunity Credit
Case Study 2: American Opportunity Credit
Skills Warm Up: American Opportunity Credit
Lifetime Learning Credit
Case Study 1: Lifetime Learning Credit Coverage
Case Study 2: Requirements
Case Study 3: Qualifying Expenses
Choosing Between the Credits
Skills Warm Up: Choosing Between the Credits
Case Study 1: Choosing Between the Credits
No Double Benefits
Skills Warm Up: No Double Benefits
Case Study 1: No Double Benefits
Determining the Amount of the Credit
Case Study 1: Determining the Amount of the Credit
Out of Scope
Out of Scope Situations for VITA/TCE
Skills Workout
Certification Warm Up: Question 1 of 4
Certification Warm Up: Drill and Practice
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