Intake/Interview & Quality Review Sheet
Use the intake and interview sheet to review taxpayer answers and ask questions to avoid common errors. Review the Earned Income Table of examples of earned income, in the Volunteer Resource Guide, Tab I, Earned Income Credit..
Be sure to review the Intake/Interview sheet:
- Your Personal Information: Can anyone else claim the taxpayer or spouse on their tax return? If answered Yes, probe to find out more. A taxpayer who is the dependent of another person is not eligible for EIC.
- Marital Status and Household Information: List anyone you supported but did not live with you last year. Always verify that the taxpayer did not support anyone.
- Marital Status and Household Information: Verbally confirm the number of months each person listed lived in the taxpayer's home.
- Life Events: Have Earned Income Credit (EIC) disallowed in a prior year? Special rules apply if the taxpayer was previously denied EIC. Be sure to get the answer to this question for each listed person.